Friday, December 27, 2019

Fraser River Sockeye Salmon An Analytical Literature Review

Fraser River Sockeye Salmon in Decline: An Analytical Literature Review Lauren M. Howell 26095133 University of British Columbia Author Note Lauren M. Howell, Department of Integrative Biology, University of Guelph Lauren M. Howell, Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Lauren Howell, Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 Contact: Fraser River Sockeye Salmon in Decline: An Analytical Literature Review The Fraser River, beginning at Fraser Pass in the Rocky Mountains; making its way into the Straight of Georgia in Vancouver, is considered to be the largest†¦show more content†¦The replacement level, described as the ratio of returning progeny per adult spawner, was not reached and the industry was forced to close for a third consecutive year. This shut out was attributed to a wide range of factors including: environmental changes along the river and in the marine environment, as well as fisheries management practices. Incredibly, 2010 saw a profound rebound with an estimated 34 million returns, indicating resilience of this species but also giving rise to many unanswered questions in explanation (Cohen, 2010). Even though fish harvesting had declined, fish stocks were still plummeting; people wanted answers, and in 2009, a Canadian federal judicial inquiry was launched to investigate fisheries management practices, as carried out by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) by means of the Cohen Commission (Casselman, 2011; Miller et al., 2011). The focus of the mandate was to identify the causes of the decline in the Fraser River sockeye, and to develop recommendations for improving the future sustainability of the fishery. Since the seminal release of Dr. Pearse’s 1982 study of Canada’s Pacific fishery, hundreds of recommendations through mandates, as well as scientific research, have been put forth with the goal of shedding light on this paramount issue. A study published in Science carried out by Kristina M. Miller et al. in 2011 is no exception. A Quick Look at the Research A functional genomics study conducted by Miller

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Isorg Bible - 2253 Words

ISORG BIBLE The objective of this guide is to facilitate the study of my friend’s level of understanding of the subject matter and at the same time provide an insight of how I view the subject and my personal understanding of the subject, in relation to the style of the examination questions. *disclaimer* All content in this bible is either copied directly from study guide, Jack koh’s ISORG bible, internet knowledge. It is just a summary and all information are based on Jeffrey’s personal opinion/interpretation. Use is at your own risk. Overview of this ISORG BIBLE I’ll start of the ISORG bible with what I deemed important terms that will be used in the course of this subject. I’ll first give definitions from the subject guide as this†¦show more content†¦Data model views the organizational problem as a bundle of data and network of processes. The data model centres on the organization’s data, data-flow paths, processes and files. Data model summarizes the business view of the data to be stored in the database and how they are accessed in the new computerised information system. (ISORG bible) ‘Data modelling is the process of defining what data is used in an information system or organization and how that data is organized. With Data model, the design of an information system is concerned mainly to optimize the data flow in the organization, and lead to new ways to produce, store, process and exchange data faster, more reliable and secure than previous practices.’ Information system Database management system (DBMS) A database management system (DBMS) is the interface between the application programs and the database. Whenever the application program calls for a single data file (e.g. employee gross pay), the DBMS finds the item in the database under the heading ‘payroll’ and presents it to the application program so as to relieve the end user from the burden of understanding where and how the data are stored. Database management systems require that the organization acknowledges the strategic role of information by treating it as a corporate resource. Decision makers need concise, reliable information about current operations, trends and changes. Data, however are

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Global Issues faced by Financial Professionals- MyAssignment Help

Question: Discuss about the Global Issues for the Finance Professional. Answer: Introduction This study deals with understanding the on-going global as well as domestic changes in the economic environment. This means getting the viewpoint of risk perception as well as associated required rates if returns are turning invariably (Wyplosz2012). In the year 2016, UK voted in a referendum on leaving the European Union. This particular poll refers as the Brexit Referendum. This mainly results in understanding the risk perceptions from wider conservative perspective. This current report will address the consequences on capital markets pensions as well as bonds. The present study elaborates on ideas as well as principles and issues related to risk factors upon given rates of return from the given study (Ottavianoet al. 2014). This will further provide underlying assumptions enabling the impact of Brexit referendum on pension funds as well as pensioners in UK. In this particular assignment, the emphasis has been given to describing the significant action taken by Bank of England at t he time of UK decisions for leaving the European Union. This evaluated the impact of Bank of England actions especially on the UK pension industry for meeting the obligations in desired way for future activities. It is in reference with the investing in real assets affecting Brexit for required rate of return for pensioners in achieving and maintaining an acceptable standard of living at the same time (Oliver 2016). Description of Major Actions taken by Bank of England concerning UK Decision for Leaving European Union Brexit is the word that has been used as a shorthand way of saying the fact where UK is leaving EU merging with Britain as well as an exit in getting Brexit. This has been presented in a way whereby possibility was present in a Greek exit from the euro as dubbed Grexit from the past activities (Mller and Oliver 2014). The reason behind Britain leaving the European Union is referendum vote system whereby everyone of voting age takes part in deciding activities. It was conducted for whether UK leaves or remains in EU. Resulted figures move won by 52% to 48%. This means referendum turn out to be 71.8% consisting of 30 million for voting purpose. There were above facts concerning other major European bourses for pointing out a potential weakness in the given scenario. This reveals risk faced by Britain voting for the fresh crisis in the Eurozone especially in the wider global economy (?azowski 2012). In other words, other developments were carried out bringing economy through a tough patch. This was due to drop present in the valuation of pounds making exports cheaper in boosting the industrial relations. Secondly, it takes into consideration interest rates are paid by the government for financing the own borrowings from referendum outcomes. UK Economy appears as the initial shock from Brexit vote for viewing at the valuation of the original stock. This opinion was kept quiet regarding long-term effects of leaving the European Union. Most of the major firms like Easyjet and John Lewis points out slumps in the case of increased costs. Therefore, Britain loses it AAA credit rating revealing cost of government borrowing at higher rates. This is because of the share prices recovering from dramatic slump valuation involving British-based business for great trading activities at the time of the referendum. Bank of England hops in cutting interest rates from 0.5% to 0.25% for recording small range for the year 2009. It enables stimulating investment acting as economic indicators in case of economic downturn. The European Union considers as an economic as well as political partnership consisting of 28 European countries. This has become single market transactions allowing goods as well as people in moving along in certain way (D agnisJensen and Snaith 2016). Evaluation of the impact of Bank of England actions on UK pension industry Market Segmentation hypothesis reveals the fact regarding debt market for rendering goods in homogenous markets as a whole. It defines the sub-markets, especially at maturity range. This explains the yield curve for the creation of supply as well as demand conditions regarding sub-markets (Conroy et al. 2012). Most of the banks tend in remaining active in the short-term for viewing at the pension funds for becoming buyers in the long-dated segment. Bank of England borrows large quantities on bulk for selling some of the short-term instruments. This deals in an increase of supply on the market as well as pushing down for the price. This is for raising the yield as far as possible (Booker and North 2016). Therefore, pension funds flush with the card as well as purchase large quantities on a temporary basis. During times, banks pension funds for buying as well as selling pressures of the multitude in the case of other financial institutions influencing the demand and supply position(Mller and Oliver 2014). This point of action was committed by players for yield curve tending in remaining different in most of the cases. Therefore, hypothesis helps in explaining the lumpy or humped yield curve at the same time (Beck 2012). European pension funds, as well as investment funds for US public sector bodies, trusted under double-A ratings. This is needed in investing for mortgage-linked CDOs for checking over the reduced savings (Koutrakos2016). This reveals lacking skills or data for valuing the securities in SIV investment for future analysis purpose. It is presented in response with policy toll as devised by quantitative easing involving central banks on creation money on the electronic mode of payments. This is used for purchasing assets especially from investors from the market. Therefore, pension funds as well as insurance companies and non-financial firms sale assets in the form of non-government bonds credited in the bank account money (Winkel and Derks2016). This mainly raises issues from bank reserves as well as allowing ways for crediting money. It involves increased demand especially for government bonds in price attributes in the given economy. The Obligations of Pension Funds Bond yields have fallen on a global basis from the time UK voted for leaving the European Union dated 23rd June. This gave rise to acute problems in financing pensions for growing for many years (Dhingra and Sampson 2016). These problems can be well-defined by the guarantees f members regarding the retirement income as they were expecting at that point of time. Obligations of Pension Funds considers as an actuarial liability equals to present value of liabilities(Mller and Oliver 2014). This is earned by the present valuation of liabilities for the purpose of gaining future compensation in desired way. This help in measuring the amount of money for a particular company for making payment of clear benefit known as a pension plan for satisfying all the pension entitlements as earned by employees on updated basis. It has to be adjusted from expected future salary for gaining future benefits(Winkel and Derks2016). It reveals the magnitude of obligations as determined with the help of pre sent value calculation. Projected benefit obligations show the calculation of the total amount as due by employees especially in the pension funds for all the past service activities, In other words, it assumes for the planning of terminated attributes from viewing at the foreseeing future as well as adjusted in reflecting expected future compensation(DagnisJensen and Snaith 2016). This is majorly differentiated from the accumulated benefits obligations lacking adjustments for expected future increase in salary. This remains limited criteria for total future liability in the planned labor for rendering activities for future analysis purpose(Mller and Oliver 2014). Required rates of return for pension funds to meet obligations From more than three decades, bond yields for following the interest rates for decreased Treasury yield(Winkel and Derks2016). This was estimated at 16% for the year 1981 and nor at 1.5%. These returns are considered as US long-term interest rates for more than 16% purchasing $100 million worth of bonds. This is with an interest rate of 1.5% for receiving an annual interest rate of 1.5%(Kao and Authers2016). This pension fund will receive an annual payout from $100 bond. Of $1.5 million especially from the Required rate of return for funds should be 15% for meeting the obligations in the desired format. This will reveal the funded status of the pension plans for any business organization. This will pose expected assets calculated at good value attributes. In other words, Actuarial gain or loss mainly represents adjustments for making actuarial assumptions for valuing the corporation pension plans obligations(DagnisJensen and Snaith 2016). This is not okay for the pension funds in relying upon bonds for funding yearly payouts. It requires making up lower interest rates as well as spending more at given annual return. It required continuing operations from investing more than 1.5 percent interest rates for making the same amount in interest rates at 16%(Winkel and Derks2016). Corridor rule will have smoothing effect in respect with reporting pension gains or loss. FASB Statement established this particular rule. This means previous accounting standards for pension reporting consider as weak as well as results in inconsistent reporting methods in and within a business organization. These are the pension benefit as accrued by an employee who works for given time. These are the current service benefit adding up with prior earned service benefits representing the total value of an individual pension for a particular time(DagnisJensen and Snaith 2016). Impact of Brexit on Required Rate of Return for Pensioners in Achieving Acceptable Standard of Living There was new approach presented affecting the working of Brexit like consumers as well as business. They mainly forecast the recession at the time of referendum campaign for bringing the acceptable standard of living. This is conducted by International Monetary Fund by making an own prediction by voting short-term risk on checking for the financial stability. This mainly hits up issues looking inevitable in nature. UK Economy was slowing down at the time of referendum in making the investment decisions in the most appropriate way. These are majorly delayed for a specified period of heightening political as well as economic uncertainty. There was also a significant prospect in action by Bank of England softening the blow from either consumer or business confidence. This is helping in cutting the interest rates as far as possible. There are many other developments assist in getting the best economy(Mller and Oliver 2014). Pension Accounting help in stimulating the retirement benefits as treated under deferred income for earning purpose. These are the active participants receiving future benefits like incurring in the corresponding cost such as average cost. This is the additional actuarial gains or losses considering as fundamental assumptions for Pension funds change in calculation. These are the assumptions used for calculating the mortality rates of employees. It is the unfunded plans existing in the pension plan assets in the most appropriate way. Actuarial Basis of accounting considers as a method for computing the periodic payments when the company makes use of funding its employee pension benefits(DagnisJensen and Snaith 2016). Conclusion At the end of the study, it is concluded that impact on perceptions of risk reveals the associated rates of return. These values will bring significant values affected by discounted rates for calculating present valuation of benefit payments and expected rate of performance. This will make a response to the funded status as mentioned in the Financial Accounting Standard Board. It reports for planning from the balance sheet by accounting rules like pension assets and liabilities. It marks up the market attributes presented in the entity balance sheet providing actuarial gains as well as losses for changing the actuarial assumptions. It required being amortized with the help of comprehensive income as mentioned in the shareholder equity in directing towards income statement accounts. These are the accounting methods stipulating contributions by a company adding up the investment returns on pension assets for matching required annual contribution from the pension fund. These are the ass umptions made for viewing at the length of workers career as well as plan assets return and rate of salary for discounted rate of future benefits attributes. Reference List Beck, T. 2012.Banking union for Europe: risks and challenges. 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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

What impressions of Silas Marner do you form early in the novel Essay Example

What impressions of Silas Marner do you form early in the novel Paper This essay plans to tell the reader about the early chapters in the book Silas Marner. Part I begins with the description and comparisons of the two settings that are introduced to us in this book, it then goes on to tell the reader about Silas himself, Silass physical drawbacks and his membership of the sect in the Lantern Yard. Part II then goes on to tell the reader about the more social aspects of Silass life and then about his settlement in Raveloe. In the opening chapters of this book we are introduced to two types of setting. Firstly we are introduced to Raveloe (pages 10 through to 12), this is quite a verdant village, a woody village tucked away in the back woods of the fresh English Midlands. The way Raveloe is placed geographically and its seclusion from the rest of the Midlands, the intellectual and spiritual confinement of its quite simple and its very misunderstood tastes to the countryside are premeditated. In this setting the writer George Eliot captures all the views of the bygone era, prompted by her indelible Warwickshire memories. The second setting that we are given is one that is not written in the text but one, which we have to look for. Just before the industrial revolution was due to begin is the books second setting. This is between the decades 1810 and 1840, when the first signs of industrialization were being seen in the urban areas, the first roads into the English countryside had begun to be put in place and land enclosures had fallen off the agenda and the peasants were being forced to move into the towns and cities to earn a decant living. Whilst this was proceeding, Raveloe village itself was remaining unaffected by this looming industrialisation and it continued to proceed with its rural backdrop still fertile and exuberant. The spinning wheels still hummed busily in the farmhouses, the bigger families lived in wealth and luxuries swearing by the thriving land, inherited estates and still using their ancestral tankards. We will write a custom essay sample on What impressions of Silas Marner do you form early in the novel specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on What impressions of Silas Marner do you form early in the novel specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on What impressions of Silas Marner do you form early in the novel specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Whilst these events are continue in the Raveloe village, Silass life as a weaver is starting to become quite easy for him and he is becoming quite a prosperous member of the village, but his fortune is still very secret and nobody knows the amount of money he has stored away apart from him. Silas is a very simple and extremely trusting man who lives for his work and works with pride. Silass has a Thread-bore physique; he appears to be very shabby and untidy. His body is not one thriving with muscles but a rather slender build. His eyes are very protruding and myopic (short sighted) and are quite baggy due to his heavy workload. Silas has a condition known as catalepsy, which is a suspension of the senses, all bodily powers and movements, with muscular rigidity and in some parts of the world called a trance. We first find out about the catalepsy around page twelve when Jem Rodney tells us that on coming up to him, I saw that Marners eyes were set like a dead mans, and he spoke to him, shook him, his limbs were stiff, and his hands clutched the bag as theyd been made of iron. The children of the village are terrified of Silas and after a while they begin to associate him with the devil. Jem Rodney then goes on to describe Silas as a dead man, come to life. Mr Macey believes that Silass soul leaves his body and goes into other peoples body to see what is going on in their lives. This plays a vital part in the early plot of the novel, while Silas is still a member of the Lantern Yard sect. The leader of the sect Deacon is suffering from a very bad illness; almost knocking on heavens door and it was Silass turn to watch him. Whilst he watches him he falls into a fit and William Dane knows this and takes advantage of it, by going in to the room and stealing the churches money from the cabinet where it is kept. He uses Silass knife, which he borrowed a few days before to cut some cloth, to pick the lock so he cannot be framed for the theft. Silas is obviously found guilty and banished from the sect; he does not only lose his religion but his best friend and fiancà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½e too. In this sect at Lantern Yard Silas has a major to play in the running and organization inside of the sect. He does his fair share of the work for it and is very highly thought in the sect. He is a man of exemplary life and he has a great faith in god and its surrounding faith. He was very trusting and thought that his best friend and fiancà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½e would not abandon him in his moment of need and when they did he was ashamed to have even known them and upon losing them, he lost his life and everything that meant anything to him. He felt that he had been betrayed by everyone and especially God because in the end he begins to call God The God of Lies. William Dane was one of Silass best friends during his time at the sect, but when it comes to the end of Silass time at the sect he stabs him in the back by not supporting him and then going on to marry his fiancà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½e. Dane had very narrow slanting eyes but that was not his only unusual facial feature, his lips seemed to be always very compressed. This gives us an impression that he is quite a sadistic man and sometimes can be evil. Dane describes Silass fit as a visitation of Satan only after Silas has moved on out of the sect and they are no longer friends. For Silas to be found guilty of the theft the leader has to draw lots out of a black bag and if the number drawn is even he is innocent but if it is an odd number drawn he is guilty. This is done on the basis that the leader of the sect puts them in but God takes the power of his hand as he puts them in. After the sect find him guilty of theft and they turn their backs on him, he loses the framework of his life, his friends, his belief in god and then goes on to resent God in a way that can not be described in words but not only does he lose all of this he also loses the one person in the whole world which he loves dearly. When we first come into contact with Raveloe it has been fifteen years since Silas had first come to settle there. There are three reasons given in the book to why Silas chose to settle there. It begins by telling us that believes that he is safe and is disconnected from the rest of the world and from God. It is a low wooded area and is quite populated so there is enough custom to ply his trade and earn a good living, and also that this village is very different from the sect at Lantern Yard and this will help him to forget all the bad memories he posses from there. When Silas arrives in Raveloe for the first time the villages form impressions on Silas because not only are they both intellectually and physically slow they arse also very superstitious. This new person moving into the village also intrigues them. They find the way he works at his loom all day long with few breaks quite mysterious and not moving to scare away peeping scoundrels just to stare at them without a mumble of a word, they suspected that this stare gave the children or even adults a disease that would paralyse them or even kill them. They already knew that Silas had learnt about herbal remedies and this struck both fascination and fear into them. The ladies in Raveloe know that he is in not interested in them or he never lets anyone over his doorstep to talk or never goes for a quiet drink in the pub. Silas sits at his loom working all day because he has nothing left to do, while doing this he becomes quite prosperous. The gold that he earns replaces everything that he had from Lantern Yard. The rhythm and framework has gone from his life ever since he was banished from the sect. He lost all his belief in God, lost and any routine that he once might have had but now all he is left with is his loom and gold. The routine that he had is now replace by the counting of his gold, he enjoys doing this because it is warm and soft to touch, another reason we are given for his counting of the gold is he thinks that gold cannot betray him like his old friends did. George Eliot uses two references to natural imagery in the early chapters of the book. She explains about Silass weaving pattern by saying, He seemed to weave, like the spider, from pure impulse, without a minuets reflection. He used the weavers chair as a comfort zone where he relaxed and freed himself of bad feelings. She described his life after the sect to be like a rivulet. An old drying up, small stream that is leading to nowhere or not coming from anywhere.